Car Barn 400-p, 4th FlOOR Patio and COVERED Pavilion
Car Barn 400-P, 4th Floor Patio and COVERED PAVILION
Location: Car Barn, 4th Floor Patio and Pavilion
(3520 Prospect Street, N.W.)
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
(not available weekends or University holidays)
Maximum Occupancy: 410 people
Reservations / Availability: Check the calendar link at the bottom of this page.
Description / Usage Overview: The Car Barn 4th Floor Patio and Pavilion space (outdoor patio and covered pavilion in the center of the patio) is available for use by faculty and staff, and recognized University student organizations for University-sanctioned events. Please note that the Car Barn location is not available for private usage or rental to outside organizations or individuals.
The Car Barn 4th Floor Patio and Pavilion is available for use only from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. It is not available after 8:00 p.m. or at any time on weekends and University holidays. Certain special University events may preclude availability during certain times -- New Student Orientation week, Commencement week, etc.
These guidelines and policies will help you to make your event successful, and also to be respectful of nearby classes and our neighbors in the community.
The Car Barn 4th Floor Patio consists of a large U-shaped patio, with a central area containing a raised, covered Pavilion. Mesh metal picnic tables and seating is available on the Patio and raised Pavilion, along with some older wooden picnic tables. The Patio / Pavilion is frequently used during the weeks leading up to and after Graduation / Commencement each May, and again in late August / early September for Fall Orientation / Welcome events. The Patio is also part of an active pathway from the Prospect Street entrance into the Car Barn and into the offices of the Graduate School (Suite 400) and the Graduate School Quiet Study Lounge (Suite 410). Access to these offices must be maintained and managed during any event on the Patio.
The raised covered Pavilion can be used for events. There are power outlets available, but no running water is available in the raised Pavilion. Although the outdoor patio is fully ADA accessible through the Prospect Street lobby and side door and via the M Street lobby, the raised Pavilion IS NOT ADA accessible – there are approximately 8 steps up to the covered Pavilion. The Pavilion has ceiling lights that are controlled by slider switches just inside the door next to the Prospect Street elevator. There are numerous picnic style tables with benches under the covered Pavilion. Additional patio furniture may NOT be moved up to the Pavilion from other patios. In addition, patio furniture located in the Pavilion may NOT be removed from the Pavilion area. Furniture on the raised Pavilion may be re-arranged, as long as it is put back into place at the end of the event.
The outdoor patio is fully ADA accessible through the Prospect Street lobby and side door and via the M Street lobby . The Patio is lit by bright street lamps that turn on automatically. There are numerous picnic style tables with benches spread throughout the Patio. Additional patio furniture may NOT be moved to the Patio area the covered Pavilion.
Overlapping Reservations / Shared Usage: The 4th Floor Patio / Pavilion is a large space. In some cases, for smaller groups and events, multiple events may be scheduled for the same or overlapping times with advance notification for all groups. You will be notified of any sharing arrangements, if relevant. Groups are expected to work together to share the space respectfully. In the event of a scheduling conflict, please contact Rick Pike (
Student Group Usage Policy: A faculty or staff sponsor must make the reservation for a recognized student organization and the faculty or staff person making the reservation must be present throughout the entire event to ensure all policies for use and cleanup are followed. The faculty or staff person is the responsible person for that event.
Alcohol Policy: If alcohol is served or provided during your event, University policies regarding age verification (ID checks, wristbanding, etc.) and event attendance control must be followed. These requirements differ depending on the size of your event. Please review the following link for additional information: For some events, groups may need to work with the Georgetown University Police Department (GUPD) to hire officers for their event.
Furniture: Tables and chairs are located on both the main Patio and in the covered Pavilion area. The tables and chairs are not to be moved from Patio Level to the raised Pavilion (or vice versa). They may be rearranged on the same level, as long as they are returned to their approximate position at the conclusion of your event. Contact Georgetown Event Management Services (GEMS) if you need information about table / chair rental, alcohol policies, alternate spaces, etc.
Signage: Please note, you may have to ask students to move from the patio or pavilion area as you set up your event and for the scheduled duration of your event. For large events, or day-long events, users should post signs in the Prospect Street Lobby and doors leading out to the Patio / Pavilion one day in advance indicating there will be a private event on the Patio or raised Pavilion. The notices should clearly specify the date and time of the event.
Tents and Structures: No tents or other structures are permitted on the Car Barn patio due to the potential damage the weight of the structures and the damage tent poles can cause to the rooftop pavers. In addition, during extreme weather events the Car Barn rooftop is subject to strong winds and heavy rains, and is exposed to lightning during thunderstorms
Noise / Amplified Sound: Groups using the Car Barn 4th Floor Patio and raised Pavilion should be aware that this is a relatively noisy area — the area is subject to frequent overhead airplanes landing at the Washington Reagan National airport, street traffic and noise from Prospect Street, M Street, and Key Bridge, and other noises found in an urban environment. All events should be considerate of the academic and administrative activities that take place in the Car Barn, and especially of nearby neighbors. Amplified sound or music must be maintained at reasonable levels for the entire duration of the the event, and especially after 7pm, and while any classes are in session.
Restrooms: Restrooms for guests are located on the 2nd floor of the Car Barn, and can be accessed via the Prospect Street elevator. Groups at large events may wish to post signs directing attendees to the nearest restrooms. “Directions: take the elevator from inside the Prospect Street lobby to the 2nd floor, and exit to the right, near the vending machines. Additional restrooms are located on the 1st Floor. [Note: the restrooms on the 3rd floor are at the M Street side of the building and are not located in close proximity to the Prospect Street elevators, so we usually don’t direct people there]. Also note that access to an additional set of restrooms located just inside the Graduate School Office (Suite 400) is NOT available after the Graduate School closes. The Graduate School is open Monday through Friday from 9 am - 5 pm and is closed on University holidays.
Electricity / Water: Outdoor power outlets are available around the Patio area along walls, and some power connections are located on the upper Pavilion. The area is not wired for sound, nor is there any running water or disposal water available. There is no indoor kitchen or other indoor food prep areas available. A suggested area for food prep is on the east side of the building, near the entrance to the air-handler room — fabric partitions/screens can be erected by users, if desired. Note that food prep areas cannot be set up inside the Car Barn building itself.
Rental Tables / Items: If chairs and tables are rented, it is best to have them removed by your caterer immediately after your event so the Patio / Pavilion can be used by other groups and students after your event. However, for evening events, they may be neatly stacked along the Prospect Street wall (near, but not blocking access to, the Exorcist Steps metal gate or the Prospect Street metal gate) for pickup no later than the next business day. Failure to clean up or re-arrange the area after use will result in loss of future space rental privileges.
Please make sure your guests keep the space clean, dispose of trash properly as described above, and reset the picnic tables, trash cans, and other patio items to their original location at the end of the event.
ALL USERS of the 4th Floor Patio and Pavilion are REQUIRED to provide (or rent/purchase) disposable trash cans (check with Facilities, GEMS - Georgetown Event Management Services, or your caterer) and remove them at the end of the event. Alternatively, you or your caterer / vendor must haul away all trash cans/trash bags at the end of the event. This includes trash that your guests have deposited in the stationary metal mesh trash cans on the Patio and Covered Pavilion. All users of the Car Barn 4th Floor Patio and Covered Pavilion must provide adequate disposable trash cans and waste receptacles, and must thoroughly clean up after their function, placing any trash into receptacles, picking up loose items and litter, and wiping up any spills, dropped food, or other substances. No trash or trash bags can be left on the Car Barn patio at the end of the event. Generally, caterers remove of trash bags from the area at the end of the event as part of their contracted cleanup duties. If the caterer is not responsible for trash pick up after the event it is the responsibility of the event organizer to remove the trash bags. Absolutely no trash or trash bags can be left overnight. All boxes and cartons must be flattened.
Groups not cleaning up thoroughly after your event is a SERIOUS VIOLATION of the 4th Floor Patio / Pavilion usage policy, and future usage privileges may be restricted or revoked.
Additionally, all users of the Car Barn Patio / Covered Pavilion must ensure that the following additional checklist items are completed at the conclusion of their event:
Make sure all metal gates to the street are closed and secured.
Make sure all doors leading into the Prospect Street lobby are closed and secured.
Remove any posted signs or information from the Patio / Pavilion or lobby area, and remove any directional signs posted outside the area.
If you notice anything broken or damaged, or have encountered any problems, issues, or malfunctioning items on the Patio/Pavilion, please report it to Rick Pike at .
For any security issues or emergencies during your event, contact Georgetown University Police Department (GUPD) at (202) 687-4343.
First: View the Car Barn 400 calendar (link below) to check possible availability. Note: if you see the NetID login box and not a calendar below, you need to close the page, log into your Google Email first, then return to the page -- the Calendar view is restricted to Georgetown University users.)
Second: Send an email to Rick Pike ( and included the following:
proposed date(s) / time(s) of your event -- during peak seasons in the Spring and Fall, provide multiple dates;
the name of your event,
the department / organization affiliated with it
a University point of contact from your department or school for the event who will be present during the entire event from setup to cleanup.
For student groups, a University faculty member or staff/administrative member is required, and must be present the entire time (from setup to cleanup).
approximate number of attendees;
if food and/or alcohol will be served;
any other items or unusual items related to your event request.
Rick and/or the Graduate School Dean's Office staff will then review your reservation. If approved, staff will enter the event into the Car Barn Patio / Pavilion calendar with your meeting title and name, and will invite you to the meeting so that you can see the reservation on your personal GU Calendar. If your event cannot be accommodated (typically a schedule conflict), you will be notified. If you decide you no longer need to use the space or if you need to reschedule it, please contact Rick Pike ( to change the reservation and make the original time/date available to others.
Any other questions not addressed about use of the Car Barn Patio/Pavilion should be directed to Rick Pike (
Please contact the 24/7 University Helpline at (202) 687-8413 regarding any noise or trash related concerns to the Car Barn patio use.