Collect overpayment of Service Stipend
Procedure to collect the repayment of a service stipend award overpayment:
Procedure to collect the repayment of a service stipend award overpayment:
The following procedure should only be used to collect overpayments for service stipend payments issued in error that were charged to departmental or grant funding sources.
- Email the Payroll Office to report the over-payment and request a “net repayment of over-payment calculation” for the student to reference and to include as supporting documentation for audit purposes. Payroll’s contact information may be found on the below website:
- Prepare a salary over-payment notification/Payroll Over Note form for the student to sign and for you, as the department administrator, to sign. You can find the form to complete on the below link:
- Email the student with the total net amount s/he is expected to remit to Georgetown University. You must include a copy of the formal email to the student as supporting documentation as well.
- Collect a check for the net amount to be paid by the student and make sure the student makes that check payable to Georgetown University.
- Please complete a “deposit ticket for cash or check” which can be found on the Financial Affairs website link below:
- Once you have completed the deposit ticket, please have the designated person in your office enter the request into the TouchNet system.
- Then hand-deliver the processed deposit ticket and check to the Bursar’s Office located in the basement of White Gravenor.
- Please email a scanned copy of the receipt from the Bursar’s Office to
- You should expect a credit to appear as expected on the Payroll Journal Transactions report for this funding source.