Awarding Scholarships & Stipends

Programs must award merit-based scholarships and stipends using their department's budget template provided by the GSAS. External programs may use the General Financial Aid Budget Template to award service stipends.

All updates to merit-based scholarships and stipends, including increases or decreases to awards, terminations, new appointments, appointment changes, cost center changes, etc, must be submitted using the financial aid budget template. The updates should be highlighted.

The budget is required because the Graduate School uses ALL of the information from the budget to process and communicate award information across the entire university. This includes creating the award letters; posting awards in Banner; processing service stipends through GMS; and processing non-service stipends through Accounts Payable and the Tax Department; communicating awards and credit hour enrollments to Student Financial Services; reconciling monthly and annual budget reviews and reports; and responding to inquiries about awards.

The budget is required to process all awards. Be sure to complete ALL of the fields for each award.

Your budget should be used to award scholarships and stipends to traditional and non-traditional students receiving an award through your program. This includes, for instance, exchange students and students enrolled in a different program but on assistantship in your program.